The Fatemate todo list::

  1. -get an apt
  2. -go to LA
  3. ‎~cook
  4. ‎-Go to Asgard
  5. ~take photos in school studio together with Jopie
  6. ‎-go to a concert
  7. ‎~the elf
  8. -celebrate our birthday
  9. ‎~draw together
  10. ‎-make cookies/brownies
  11. ‎-check out uni level mun.
  12. -horse back riding. :D
  13. -make a fatemate trademark
  14. -leave the fatemate trademark in every guest book :P
  15. -make the apocalypse photo shoot
  16. -play assasinscreed3 mulitplayer 
  17. Go to the IJ-markt [a huge flee market full of treasures and 2nd hand clothing]
  18. Make t-shirts and go bar hopping
  19. go back to Camden [London]
  20. have a fun night out in Amsterdam
  21. go to a concert
  22. Italy
  23. France/ Paris for a day /
  24. proclaim a random day to "bake a cake and eat it day"
  25. make plushies
  26. theme song!!
    COMPLETE: 0%


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